Thursday, June 24, 2010

OOTD video for June 23rd.

my video was supposed to go up last night.
but we lost power, so the internet was cut off. 
It came back on last night, so I will probably go up to the school today to upload my video!
And maybe I will record another one as well. (:


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Turquoise && Orange Summery Look!

I am going to do a written tutorial on this look.

I will be telling you how I did both my hair and makeup. The makeup was inspired by my shirt and the coming of summer! Hope you girls enjoy! && Im sorry if it is lengthy, I tend to ramble and add more than needed.

So, starting off with the hair, here are the products I used:

As soon as I got out of the shower, I towel dried my hair and brushed it. Yes, I know using a brush on wet hair is bad for it, but that is what I've always done and my hair is doing well! After towel drying it, I took a small dollop, about the size of a half dime, of the Maxius beyond straight, which is a humidity resistant, temporary straightener with wheat protein, and thermal protection, rubbed it in my fingers and distributed it through my hair, starting with the ends and working my way up. Then, I took the Catwalk Root Boost, held it about 2 or 3 inches from my roots, and lightly misted them. I brushed both products through to make them even.
Next, I took my Conair Ion Shine blow dryer, put it on the settings warm and high, and blow dried my hair. I started with my bangs, because they like to be unruly! Mostly because of my cowlick. So I aimed it at my bangs in different ways to make the cowlick disappear, then I aimed it down at them to make them easy to straighten. After, I just blow dried my hair like anyone would normally do so. I didn't fully dry it, though, because it is unhealthy for your hair. I then let it air dry and put on face makeup (which Ill explain later). Then, I used the straightener, which I have no idea what it is called, and straightened my hair. I started with the underneath and clipped up the top layer, then gradually made my way up. And then my hair was finished!

Okay, so on to the makeup. Here is what I used:

The Coastal Scents 88 Palette. I used 6 colors from it, oranges, turquoise, and a white highlight. I also have the various tools and other products I used for my face. 
Okay, so I numbered the products in the 3rd picture so I could name them all to you, so here they are:
  1. CoverGirl Aqua Smoothers Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 15 in fair to light.
  2. Tarte Clean Slate t5 infused natural face primer.
  3. Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Foundation with SPF 18 in creamy ivory.
  4. Maybelline Mineral Power Natural Perfecting Concealer in ivory light.
  5. Tarte provocateur pressed mineral powder with SPF 8 in fair.
  6. Essence of Beauty Powder brush.
  7. Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush in Rose Petal.
  8. Essence of Beauty Blusher brush.
  9. Essence of Beauty Eyebrow brush.
  10. Revlon ColorStay Brow Enhancer in blonde/gold.
  11. Essence of Beauty Eyeshadow brush.
  12. Maybelline Line Stiletto Felt Tip Liquid Liner in black.
  13. NYC Eyelash Curler.
  14. CoverGirl Lash Blast Mascara in very black.
  15. Bed Head Lipstick in Peace.
Alright, now let's get started.

First, I moisturized my face with the tinted moisturizer. Then, I primed my face with the Tarte face primer. I then applied my foundation with my fingers, my foundation brushes were dirty. Next, I applied concealer to the needed areas, which include under the eye for my dark circles, around my nose and on my cheeks and chin for redness, and on various blemishes. Then, I applied the creamish blush to the apples of my cheeks, rubbed it in with my fingers, then blended it out with the blush brush. I then took the powder brush and lightly dusted my powder all over my face.
Next, I took the eyebrow brush and combed my hairs, applied blonde brow wax, then brushed with the eyebrow brush to blend it out. 
Now, on to the eyeshadow. I only have one eyeshadow brush in my possession, so it's the only one I can use. So I started off by priming my eyelids with my concealer, since I dont own an eyeshadow primer yet. Then, I tapped my brush into the color 1 and applied all over my lid. I then applied color 2 all over, just for added color. Next, I tapped color 3 onto the very tip of my brush and applied to my crease and outer v. Then, I took color 4 and tapped it onto the middle of my lid to brighten it just a bit. After, I wiped my brush off and then applied color 5 as my highlight on my brow bone and on my tear duct. Then, I used color 6 and tapped it  onto one side of the brush, held that side up, and applied to my lower lash line. After, I applied liquid liner and pulled it out into a cat eye. I would have added white eyeliner to my waterline, but I lost it. :( Next, I curled my eyelashes and applied mascara to the top and bottom lashes.
Lastly, I applied Nivea a Kiss of Moisture chapstick to my lips, then my lipstick, then my clear Bonne Bell Lip Lites lipgloss, but I forgot to add two of those products to the picture. And that is that! 

Here is a close up of my eye:

The only thing I should have done was add more orange to the inner corner of the lid because my white eyeshadow covered too much of it. But I still love the end result!

Thank you for reading this tutorial and I hope you enjoyed it!

xoxo; Megs.

What's in my Purse?!

Hello everyone!
I decided to jump on the bandwagon and make a "What's in my Purse" video tag. 
I really enjoyed doing this and hope you enjoy watching it!

oh click the name of the video right below (the top left of the video) to be redirected to my actual video on youtube. (:

xoxo; Megs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beauty Channel Introduction! (:

My first video!

^^ Go check it out. I finally posted my first beauty video on YouTube! I am proud of myself for finally doing it.

So go rate, comment, subscribe, whatever! (:

xoxo; Megs.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Arielying's giveaway!

Arielying is having a one year blog giveaway on her blog with a lot of great prizes so go ahead and check it out! Good luck to you all. (:

xoxo; Megs.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Allow Me to Introduce Myself!

Hello everyone! 

My name is Megan and I am going to tell you a little about myself. I am twenty years old and I live in the state of Michigan. I have amazing parents, two wonderful sisters, and two dogs. And I also have the best boyfriend. (: I don't really know what else to say about myself non-beauty-wise, so just ask me if you have any questions!

I first started liking makeup when I was really young. I would always beg my mom for the little princess box set you always see at stores. When I hit eighth grade, that's when I first started wearing actual makeup other than lip gloss. My friend had introduced me to mascara. I never really liked black mascara because I always thought it was so boring! But my friend had a blue mascara, which I thought was so cool, so I tried it out. I loved it! It made my blue eyes pop, so I had my mom buy me some. From eighth grade until this past new years, I never wore any other kind of mascara. I had run out of my blue when I was on vacation in Florida, so I tried on my sister's Lash Blast in black. It made my eyes look even better! So ever since then, I have worn black mascara. I just thought that was a funny story. (:

Anyway, throughout high school, I never really wore anything more that powder and mascara. I took all my time in the morning straightening my hair, so I never had time to do my makeup. It wasn't until I started watching Youtube that I discovered that I love doing makeup. I tuned into watching makeup gurus, like Blair (juicystar07), Elle (allthatglitters21), Megan (meganheartsmakeup), and Brittany (brittkneegirl1). I found them back in November (2009) when I saw one of their videos featured. My passion for makeup has been growing ever since. I don't have a big collection yet, and I have always been a little camera shy, so that is why I never really started doing videos before. And I don't have a very good camera, so that is why my videos cannot focus when I get to close to it. 

Anyway, that is all I really have to say about myself right now! So feel free to ask me any questions. (: I hope you enjoy what I do!

xoxo; Megs.